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Meet Our Pastors

We are Nic and Mis Keith, head pastors of SOULFIRE Ministries. We have been in full-time ministry for over a decade and have a heavy calling on our lives to spread the HOPE of JESUS to everyone we can! We have four precious children, Malachi, Elisha, Micah, and Keziah. We have dedicated our family to follow JESUS with everything we are. We are passionate about raising up our children to be warriors for JESUS and buliding a living legacy for our family. Our vision is to see lives changed forever for God's kingdom. We are dedicated to building up the family of Christ by encouraging families to live their everyday lives extraordinary for Jesus!!!
We are Pastors at THE HILL ASH GROVE campus and LOVE the opportunity to preach + teach adults/teens/children to SERVE JESUS with everything they are on a daily basis! (check out THE HILL to SEE how GOD is moving!) OUR passion is for SOULFIRE to compliment and benefit the local church, IGNITING lives for JESUS, SO they can go back to their everyday LIFE and be #worldchangers!!!
We are also in the wedding + event industry, building up marriages and families in the Lord! (check us out THE LOFT at KEITH FARMS & ALL THAT MUSIC )
At ANY SOULFIRE EVENT you will find POWERFUL PREACHING + DYNAMIC WORSHIP! Our desire is for you to leave our events and be SO excited to go back to your everyday LIFE on FIRE for JESUS in your MARRIAGE, relationships, family, work, ministry, and everything GOD has allowed you to do! We believe that the WORD + POWER of GOD will transform your LIFE! WE ARE PASSIONATE & SUPER EXCITED to IGNITE HEARTS for CHRIST!
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