S O U L F I R E CONFERENCES mission is IGNITING HEARTS FOR CHRIST through conferences + events + retreats!!! WE believe that we must make the most of every opportunity.....so, we have something for every age to grow closer in their relationship with JESUS! WE believe in teaching + preaching GOD's TRUTH and allowing it to transform lives! OUR PURPOSE is to IGNITE a FIRE in YOU for JESUS, so YOU can go back to YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE and be a #worldchanger!
We have many opportunities for YOU to get plugged in and truly be apart of what GOD is doing through SOULFIRE: SOUL MARRIAGE, SOULFIRE DATE NIGHTS, SOULFIRE IGNITE (YOUTH + FAMILY + FREE EVENTS), SOULFIRE SUMMER (YOUTH + FAMILY CAMP), LIFE giving ENCOURAGEMENT to your INBOX weekly, & SOULFIRE courses + training online (coming SOON)!

Want SOULFIRE to do an EVENT in YOUR area? Contact us TODAY!
Call 417.830.4599
Email: soulfireministriesag@gmail.com
114 E Main St, Ash Grove, MO