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Do you DESIRE to LIVE the BEST LIFE??? GOD truly has the BEST for YOUR LIFE this week...but, it is up to YOU to truly WALK in that FULLNESS! Here are 3 PRACTICAL tips to LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE THIS WEEK:

1) Remember who you are in Christ

-If you are a Christ follower, YOU truly have EVERYTHING. GOD's word says in Galatians 3, that we are children of the MOST HIGH GOD. Do you realize what this means? YOU have access to the MOST HIGH! We believe GOD is omnipotent...meaning HE is ALL POWERFUL, with NO physical limitations like man. GOD is SUPREME over ALL. So, remember, if HE is all POWERFUL and has it ALL undercontrol, YOU are in the best hands as a child of the ONE TRUE KING! Remember this week to remind yourself that YOU are a child of GOD, your IDENTITY is in JESUS!

2) Remember GOD's promises

-If you are going to walk in VICTORY this week and LIVE to the FULLNESS that GOD has for your LIFE, you need to make sure that the TRUTH of GOD is LOUDER than the lies of the enemy. GOD's WORD says in John 10:10, "The thief/enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy....but I, (JESUS) have come, that YOU may have LIFE and have it to the FULLEST or ABUNDANTLY." God has a FULL LIFE for YOU.....but YOU have to make the CHOICE to ALLOW HIS truth to be LOUDER than the ENEMY! Do you know GOD's word? Do you take the time to memorize it? The enemy is going to attack.....are you ready? Remember God's promises for your life this week. Are you spending time in GOD's word? Hebrews 4:12 says, "God's word is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword."

3) Remember to SPEAK LIFE

-In a world that SO often we can get down pretty quickly because of circumstances or situations that are going on all around us, you must SPEAK LIFE! YOU must not depend on your circumstances to make you happy, but rather making the choice to allow the JOY of the LORD to fill us full to overflowing. YOU must make the choice of what YOU will SPEAK about yourself, your situations, others......think about you speak LIFE or DEATH? Proverbs 18:21, "The tongue has the POWER of LIFE or DEATH." What will you SPEAK this WEEK?

WE encourage YOU this week to REMEMBER who you are in CHRIST, REMEMBER GOD's promises, and REMEMBER to SPEAK LIFE! GOD has such great things for YOU, FRIEND! Will you make the CHOICE to WALK in the FULLNESS that HE has for YOU? We here at SOULFIRE are cheering you on...praying for you...holding you up....believing in you!


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